Ampicillin pert plus
Each 1 g contains :
Ampicillin 230 mg
Ampicillin 200 mg
Colistin Sulphate 800,000 IU
Board spectrum antibiotics , acts actively against gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria used for JEVETCO treatment of infection caused by Ampicillin sensitive germs in poultry and calves and for the treatment of r
espiratory , urinary and gastrointestinal infections
Dosage and admin
Ampicillin pert plus is administered orally with feed or drinking
Calves: 400 mg active ingredient / 45.5 kg body weight ( 2g Ampicillin pert plus /
45.5 kg body weight ) twice daily by mixing with milk or milk replacer 5-3 days
Category: Veterinary Medicine